Genre: electronic, ambient
Year of release: 2016
Spotify link
Main gear:
Korg MS-20 Kit
Future Retro XS
Jomox SunSyn
Moog Voyager
Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 XT (SMR4-filter)
Studio Electronics Omega-8
Studio Electronics SE-1x
Native Instruments Absynth
Native Instruments Kontakt
Spectrasonics Omnisphere
Genelec 8020
Klein & Hummel O80
Mackie LM3204
This album was made during 2011 – 2016. This was the first ones I used both hardware and software. It was a bit challenging because computer wasn’t fast and latency was quite high. Almost all the tracks are used in different video productions from Heikki Mastokangas.
A few selected favourite tracks:
Far From The Sun was one of the last tracks I made. It has lot’s of analog synth tracks with filtered bubbles and bobbles, leads and other stuff. Synths I used are: Omnisphere, Kontakt and Jomox SunSyn, Future Retro XS, Korg MS-20, Studio Electronics SE-1x, Moog Voyager and Mutable Instruments Shruthi-XT. Since then I have owned Shruthi-1 in my setup. Shruthi XT was great but it takes table space so I got rack version. Track grows slowly and ends with beats and high-resonance lead from Korg MS-20.
Gravity Fields is still one of the favourite tracks. Bass is from Shruthi-XT which worked nicely in the track. Other synth stuff is from Future Retro XS, Korg MS-20, Moog Voyager and Studio Electronics Omega-8. Moog Voyager was used for smooth lead-line which comes in the mid and end section.
Machine Dreams grows again to the beat and lead lines. I used Future Retro XS and Korg MS-20 for this.
Bolder Fields was top tracks for me because it was kick-off for whole album and style. It was used one of the first drone-videos which was really nice work from Heikki. Style and quality was top notch. The most stuff was from software and Moog Voyager.
Crushed was full of analog stuff which can’t remember which synth I used for particular tracks. I used Moog Voyager, Future Retro XS, Studio Electronics SE-1x and Omega-8, Shruthi-1 XT. I also really liked the Rhodes-lines.
White Dream was the favourite ambient tracks without any beats. In this tracks I used software synth called Spire for the bass sound. It was really CPU-hungry for my slow computer. The most stuff is from Omnisphere. Solo sound is from SE-1x.
Forsaken was created when I made patch for Jomox Sunsyn. Main pad-sound is from Sunsyn. I was trying to make this type of track for long time without success. This was heavily influenced by Nemesis tracks. I also used synths like Moog Voyager, Omega-8 and SE-1x.
Ambilake was the favourite part of original mix which was about 30 mins long. It was made for Heikki’s great sunset-video. It was and still is one of the milestones in my musical history. Long ambient tracks without beats have always been really hard for me. There is lot’s of synth stuff from Future Retro XS, Moog Voyager, SE-1x, Omega-8 and Omnisphere. I used probably more time creating the 30min piece more time that some albums totally.